Xcode(2回目) [Xcode]



私がよく使うのは、コマンド+(W, S,Shift+S, C ,V, N, O, I, tab, option+esc, option+取り出しマーク)こんな。もんでしょうか。

Xcodeの中で使うのが、コマンド+(Shift+R, R, C, V) 、マウスの方が操作が早い場合はマウスと言う風に使っています。又コードはかなりの補完機能が有りますから、慣れると大したキーを打つ必要が有りません。例えば、@proと打つと@property()かどうかハイライト表示になります。良ければ、tabキーを押せば次の補完に移ります。特にこれは長たらしい構文の時には役に立ちます。他のIDEも今では大概そうでしょうけれども、Objective-Cの場合特に役に立ちます。また、構文が間違っていれば、色がつくはずが付かないのですぐ分かりますし、また、), }, ]が対となる位置にこないときは、何かが抜けている事を教えてくれます。




//  Mountain.h

//  Mountain


//  on 11/07/19.

//  Copyright 2011 No Company. All rights reserved.


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#define kMountainNameString @"name"

#define kMountainHeightString @"height"

#define kMountainClimbedDateString @"climbedDate"

@interface Mountain : NSObject {

NSString *_name;

NSNumber *_height;

NSDate *_climbedDate;



@property(copy) NSString *name;

@property(copy) NSNumber *height;

@property(retain) NSDate *climbedDate;


+ (Mountain *)mountainWithDictionary:(id)inputDictionary;


- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name height:(NSNumber *)height climbedDate:(NSDate *)climbedDate;



- (NSString *)description;

- (NSString *)descriptionWithLocale:(id)locale;




//  Mountain.m

//  Mountain


//  on 11/07/19.

//  Copyright 2011 No Company. All rights reserved.


#import "Mountain.h"

#import "MountainsController.h"

@implementation Mountain


@synthesize name = _name;

@synthesize height = _height;

@synthesize climbedDate = _climbedDate;

+ (Mountain *)mountainWithDictionary:(id)inputDictionary


id returnValue = nil;

if (inputDictionary != nil && [inputDictionary isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {

NSString *name = [(NSDictionary *)inputDictionary objectForKey:kMountainNameString];

NSNumber *height = [(NSDictionary *)inputDictionary objectForKey:kMountainHeightString];

NSDate *climbedDate = [(NSDictionary *)inputDictionary objectForKey:kMountainClimbedDateString];

if (name != nil && height != nil) {

returnValue = [[[ Mountain alloc] initWithName:name height:height climbedDate:climbedDate] autorelease];



return returnValue;


- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name height:(NSNumber *)height ClimbedDate:(NSDate *)climbedDate


self = [super init];

if (self != nil) {

self.name = name;

self.height = height;

self.climbedDate = climbedDate;


return self;


- (void)dealloc


[_name release];

[_height release];

[_climbedDate release];

[super dealloc];



- (NSString *)description


return [self descriptionWithLocale:[NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale]];


- (NSString *)descriptionWithLocale:(id)locale


NSString *returnValue = @"";

if (self.climbedDate != nil && locale != nil) {

NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

[formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];

[formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];

[formatter setLocale:locale];

returnValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@-%@", self.name, self.height, [formatter stringFromDate:self.climbedDate]];

[formatter release];


else {

returnValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@-%@", self.name, self.height];


return returnValue;





//  MountainsController.h

//  Mountains


//  on 11/07/19.

//  Copyright 2011 No Company. All rights reserved.


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface MountainsController : NSWindowController {

IBOutlet NSTextField *sentenceText;

IBOutlet NSTableView *summaryTable;

IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *calendarPopup;

IBOutlet NSDatePicker *datePicker;


NSArray *_mountains;

NSTimer *_timer;



- (IBAction)changeCalendar:(id)sender;


- (NSInteger)numberOfLowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView;

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex;


- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *) didClickTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn;


- (void)tableSelectionChanged:(id)notification;

- (void)localeChanged:(id)notification;




//  MountainsController.m

//  Mountains


//  on 11/07/19.

//  Copyright 2011 No Company. All rights reserved.


#import "Mountain.h"

#import "MountainsController.h"


enum  {

kGregorianCalendarItem = 2,

kBuddhistCalendarItem ,






@interface MountainsController (PrivateFunctions)


- (NSLocale *)localeLanguageComboWithCalendar;


- (NSCalendar *)calendar;


- (NSArray *)mountains;

- (NSArray *)sortedMountains;


- (void)resetSentence;

- (void)resetAll;

- (void)updateDatePicker:(NSTimer *)timer;


- (NSString *)heightAsString:(NSNumber *)heightNumber;

- (NSString *)dateAsString:(NSDate *)rawDate;


@implementation MountainsController

- (id)init


self = [super init];

if (self != nil) {


[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(localeChanged:) name:NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification object:nil];


return self;


- (void)dealloc


[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

if (_timer != nil) {

[_timer invalidate];

[_timer release];


[_mountains release];

[super dealloc];


- (void)awakeFromNib


[self resetSentence];

// Adjust the size of the text in the table view for easier viewing

[ summaryTable setRowHeight:( [ summaryTable rowHeight ] * 18.0 / [ NSFont systemFontSize ] ) ];

NSFont *font = [ NSFont systemFontOfSize:18.0 ];

for ( NSTableColumn *column in [ summaryTable tableColumns ] ) {

NSCell *cell = [ column dataCell ];

if ( [ cell isKindOfClass:[ NSCell class ] ] && [ cell type ] == NSTextCellType ) {

[ cell setFont:font ];



// Now that summaryTable is available, we can start getting notifications about it

[ [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] addObserver:self selector:@selector(tableSelectionChanged:) name:NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification object:summaryTable ];

// We use a timer so that our date-picker (which shows the time)

// updates every second

_timer = [ [ NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(updateDatePicker:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES ] retain ];

[ self updateDatePicker:_timer ];


// Our popup calls this to override the selected calendar

- (IBAction)changeCalendar:(id)sender


[ self resetAll ];


// Table view data source functions

- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView


return [ [ self mountains ] count ];


- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex


id returnValue = @"";

Mountain *mountain = [ [ self sortedMountains ] objectAtIndex:rowIndex ];

NSString *columnID = [ aTableColumn identifier ];

if ( [ columnID isEqualToString:kMountainNameString ] ) {

returnValue = [ [ mountain name ] capitalizedString ];


else if ( [ columnID isEqualToString:kMountainHeightString ] ) {

returnValue = [ self heightAsString:[ mountain height ] ];


else if ( [ columnID isEqualToString:kMountainClimbedDateString ] ) {

returnValue = [ self dateAsString:[ mountain climbedDate ] ];


return returnValue;


// When the table view sorting changes, the selected row doesn't, so we

// have to reset our sentence display to match the new data on that row

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView didClickTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn


[ self resetSentence ];


- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView sortDescriptorsDidChange:(NSArray *)oldDescriptors


[ aTableView reloadData ];


// Notification target functions

- (void)tableSelectionChanged:(id)notification


[ self resetSentence ];


- (void)localeChanged:(id)notification


NSLocale *locale = [ self localeLanguageComboWithCalendar ];

NSLog( @"The locale has changed, the new calendar identifier is %@", [ locale displayNameForKey:NSLocaleCalendar value:[ [ self calendar ] calendarIdentifier ] ] );

NSLog( @"The new calendar is %@", [ locale displayNameForKey:NSLocaleCalendar value:[ self calendar ] ] );

[ self resetAll ];


// NSApp delegate method

- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication


return YES;



@implementation MountainsController (PrivateFunctions)

// We don't cache this

- (NSCalendar *)calendar


NSCalendar *returnValue = nil;

// We rely on the fact that all the localizations use the same popup for overriding

// the calendar setting

switch ( [ calendarPopup indexOfSelectedItem ] ) {

case kGregorianCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar ] autorelease ];


case kBuddhistCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSBuddhistCalendar ] autorelease ];


case kHebrewCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSHebrewCalendar ] autorelease ];


case kIslamicCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCalendar ] autorelease ];


case kIslamicCivilCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCivilCalendar ] autorelease ];


case kJapaneseCalendarItem:

returnValue = [ [ [ NSCalendar alloc ] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSJapaneseCalendar ] autorelease ];



// Always include an explicit default case in a switch statement...



return returnValue;


// Our array of Mountain data

// We allocate this lazily, waiting until we need it before we read it in

- (NSArray *)mountains


if ( _mountains == nil ) {

// Get the correct, localized version of the data file

NSString *path = [ [ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource:@"Mountains" ofType:@"plist" ];

NSArray *mountainList = ( path != nil ? [ NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:path ] : nil );

NSMutableArray *array = [ NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:( mountainList != nil ? [ mountainList count ] : 0 ) ];

for ( NSDictionary *mountainDict in mountainList ) {

// Create a Mountain object from each entry in the plist and add it

[ array addObject:[ Mountain mountainWithDictionary:mountainDict ] ];


// Just to be perverse, we copy our mutable array rather than keeping it

// but not using its mutability

_mountains = [ [ NSArray alloc ] initWithArray:array ];


return _mountains;


// Our array of mountains sorted per the table view's descriptors

- (NSArray*)sortedMountains


return [ [ self mountains ] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:[ summaryTable sortDescriptors ] ];


// Reset the text field with a sentence for the currently selected mountain

// This is localized, and two versions are used since not all mountains have

// a climbed date available

- (void)resetSentence


NSString *sentence = @"";

NSString *format;

if ( [ summaryTable selectedRow ] != -1 ) {

Mountain *mountain = (Mountain *) [ [ self sortedMountains ] objectAtIndex:[ summaryTable selectedRow ] ];

if ( mountain.climbedDate != nil ) {

format = NSLocalizedStringFromTable( @"sentenceFormat", @"Mountains", @"A sentence with the mountain's name (first parameter), height (second parameter), and climbed date (third parameter)" );

sentence = [ NSString stringWithFormat:format, mountain.name, [ self heightAsString:mountain.height ], [ self dateAsString:mountain.climbedDate ] ];


else {

format = NSLocalizedStringFromTable( @"undatedSentenceFormat", @"Mountains", @"A sentence with the mountain's name (first parameter), and height (second parameter), but no climbed date" );

sentence = [ NSString stringWithFormat:format, mountain.name, [ self heightAsString:mountain.height ] ];



[ sentenceText setStringValue:sentence ];


// Update all our UI elements

- (void)resetAll


[ self resetSentence ];

[ summaryTable reloadData ];

[ self updateDatePicker:_timer ];


// Make sure our date picker gets the correct, localized calendar

- (void)updateDatePicker:(NSTimer*)timer


[ datePicker setLocale:[ self localeLanguageComboWithCalendar ] ];

[ datePicker setCalendar:[ self calendar ] ];

[ datePicker setDateValue:[ NSDate date ] ];


// We want a single string expressing a mountain's height

// We need to allow for the possibility that the user is using either metric

// or non-metric units.  If the units are non-metric, we need to do the

// conversion ourselves

- (NSString*)heightAsString:(NSNumber*)heightNumber


NSString *returnValue = @"";

if ( heightNumber != nil ) {

NSString *format = @"%d";

NSInteger height = [ heightNumber integerValue ];

NSNumber *usesMetricSystem = [ [ NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale ] objectForKey:NSLocaleUsesMetricSystem ];

if ( usesMetricSystem != nil && ![ usesMetricSystem boolValue ] ) {

// Convert the height to feet

height = (int) ( (float) height * 3.280839895 );

format = NSLocalizedStringFromTable( @"footFormat", @"Mountains", @"Use to express a height in feet" );


else {

format = NSLocalizedStringFromTable( @"meterFormat", @"Mountains", @"Use to express a height in meters" );


NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [ [ NSNumberFormatter alloc ] init ];

[ formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle ];

returnValue = [ NSString stringWithFormat:format, [ formatter stringFromNumber:[ NSNumber numberWithInteger:height ] ] ];


        [ formatter release ];


return returnValue;


// A single string expressing a mountain's climbed date, properly localized

- (NSString*)dateAsString:(NSDate*)date


NSString *returnValue = @"";

if ( date != nil ) {

NSDateFormatter *formatter = [ [ NSDateFormatter alloc ] init ];

[ formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle ];

[ formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle ];

[ formatter setLocale:[ self localeLanguageComboWithCalendar ] ];

returnValue = [ formatter stringFromDate:date ];

        [ formatter release ];


// We leave this in just to demonstrate that descriptionWithLocale does the right thing

NSLog( @"%@ => %@", [ date descriptionWithLocale:[ self localeLanguageComboWithCalendar ] ], returnValue );

return returnValue;


// A convenience function, since NSLocale doesn't provide this for us

- (NSLocale*)localeLanguageComboWithCalendar


// This is tricky.  We need to create a new locale, one which is identical to the

// current locale except that we explicitly override the language and calendar.  We can then

// use this new locale to create a date formatter, which will then

// generate the proper date for us, as well as other objects

NSCalendar *calendar = [ self calendar ];

NSArray *languages = [ NSLocale preferredLanguages ];

NSString *languageIdentifier = ( languages != nil ? [ languages objectAtIndex:0 ] : nil );

NSString *localeLanguage = [ [ NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale ] objectForKey:NSLocaleLanguageCode ];

NSString *localeIdentifier = [ [ NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale ] localeIdentifier ];

NSString *newLocaleIdentifier = localeIdentifier;

if ( languageIdentifier != nil && localeLanguage != nil && ![ languageIdentifier isEqualToString:localeLanguage ] ) {

newLocaleIdentifier = [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", languageIdentifier, localeIdentifier ];


if ( calendar != nil ) {

NSString *calendarIdentifier = [ calendar calendarIdentifier ];

newLocaleIdentifier = [ NSLocale canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString:[ NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@calendar=%@", newLocaleIdentifier, calendarIdentifier ] ];


NSLocale *returnValue = [ [ [ NSLocale alloc ] initWithLocaleIdentifier:newLocaleIdentifier ] autorelease ];

return returnValue;




プロジェクト Mountains ビルド Mountains(構成 Debug

/Users///Mountains/Mountains/Mountain.m:76: warning: incomplete implementation of class 'Mountain'

/Users///Mountains/Mountains/Mountain.m:76: warning: method definition for '-initWithName:height:climbedDate:' not found

/Users////Mountains/MountainsController.m:157: warning: incomplete implementation of class 'MountainsController'

/Users///Mountains/Mountains/MountainsController.m:157: warning: method definition for '-tableView::' not found

/Users////Mountains/MountainsController.m:157: warning: method definition for '-numberOfLowsInTableView:' not found





このmeterFormatって何でしょうか。XXX YYY ZZZには何故ストリングが受信できないのでしょうか。次回に続く。

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nice! 0

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